St. Paul’s Newsletter – October 5

Hello, Dear St. Paul’s Family!

Philippians 1:9-10 reads “this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.”

In Whom or What Do You Believe?

Last Sunday (10/01), the sermon reflected on some of the questions Jesus asked. It seems that Jesus always encouraged his followers to discern what, and in whom, they believed, and how those beliefs were manifested in their everyday lives. This is still our challenge today. This week (10/08), our gospel lesson reminds us that Jesus is our cornerstone! Hallelujah! 

Jabez Prayer Initiative Ends

Though the initiative is over, you are still encouraged to pray this prayer for our parish – and for yourself! Oh, that you would bless [us] indeed, and enlarge [our] territory, that your hand would be with [us], and that you would keep [us] from evil ~ 1 Chronicles 4:10 (NKJV)

New Sunday Morning Formation Class Begins this Week

Beginning, Sunday, October 8, at 8:30 a.m., Father Bill will be leading discussions on the book The Practice of Prayer by Margaret Guenther. Anyone interested in joining the class is welcome! Books will be provided.

Did You Know?

All donations placed in the Schoolhouse during the offertory each week go to help local school children.

On the third Sunday of each month, all undesignated gifts in the offering plate go towards our Discretionary Fund which is used for emergency benevolence requests.

Way of Love Wednesdays

The Way of Love is a formation series in which participants discover and discuss reasons and ways to intentionally live a Jesus-centered life.

Wednesday, October 4, was the fourth of our 9-week Way of Love sessions. Our conversation focused on the practice of dwelling intentionally with God each day through prayer: Jesus teaches us to come before God with humble hearts, boldly offering our thanksgivings and concerns to God or simply listening for God’s voice in our lives and in the world. Whether in thought, word, or deed, individually or corporately, when we pray we invite and dwell in God’s loving presence.

Next week, we will discuss the role that Worship plays in a life centered on Jesus. When we worship, we gather with others before God. We hear the Good News of Jesus, give thanks, confess, and offer the brokenness of the world to God. As we break bread, our eyes are opened to the presence of Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are made one body, the body of Christ sent forth to live the Way of Love.

Whether you have been attending these events already, or this will be your first time, you are invited to join us, either in person or online through Facebook Live (Facebook) or via Google Meet ( at 7:00 p.m., next Wednesday (10/11). 

St. Paul’s Website

James 5:16b reads, “The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.”

You can now submit prayer requests on our church web page! Once submitted, they are added to a prayer wall for others to view. If you pray for one (or more) of the requests on the wall, you can let the requester know you’ve prayed for them by clicking on the “Pray” icon. So, our prayers can be powerful, effective, and efficient! 

If you haven’t already seen it, be sure to check out – AND SHARE – our church web page! It includes information about our church, as well as links to previous newsletters, sermon videos, the prayer wall, and our Facebook page. Go to 

Let Us Pray

  • Pray for Shelby Mancell and The Rev. Nancy as they travel to St. Crispin’s to represent our parish at Diocesan Convention this weekend.
  • Pray for the soul of Elizabeth Rhine, and remember to lift up her husband, Mark, and their family. Her ashes will be interred in the St. Paul’s columbarium this Sunday, October 8, at 1:00 p.m.
  • Verna has asked that we pray for Robert.
  • Remember Jim Walker as he undergoes knee replacement surgery on Wednesday, October 11.
  • Keep Lloyd Bajon in your prayers as he recovers from a horse riding accident.
  • Pray for Doris as she travels.
  • If you have prayer requests you’d like to add to the Newsletter, email them to

Save the Dates

  • Sunday, October 8, 8:30 a.m. – Formation class on The Practice of Prayer begins 
  • Wednesday, October 11, 7:00 p.m. – Way of Love Wednesday, Week Five
  • Sunday, October 15 – Third Sunday Discretionary Offering (all undesignated funds collected in the offering plate go to the Discretionary Fund, used for emergency benevolence requests).
  • Sunday, October 22 – Bishop’s Committee Meeting
  • Saturday, October 28, 9:30-11:30 – Prayer & Meditation Retreat in the Great Hall
  • Sunday, November 5 – Canon to the Ordinary, The Rev. Betsy Randall, will be celebrating with us
  • Sunday, December 3 – Advent begins

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