Greetings, One and All!
I hope you are soaking up all this marvelous sunshine and enjoying the mild weather we’ve been having this week!
Last Sunday (2/23), the seventh Sunday after Epiphany, we joined Jesus as he exhorted us to love our enemies, and we discussed the radical ways this directive affects the way we live.
This coming Sunday (3/02), the last Sunday after Epiphany, we’ll join the apostles Peter, John, and James to witness the transfiguration, then follow along as their joint ministry to the crowds continues. Bring a friend and join us at 10:00 am as we discuss how these events impact our modern ministry.
Shrove Tuesday Pancakes
Join us in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, March 4 @ 6pm for our annual Pancake supper. This is open to the public and is free (donations accepted), so invite a friend and come indulge your appetite on this last evening before the discipline of Lent begins!
Ash Wednesday Service
We will kick off the season of Lent with the traditional Ash Wednesday Liturgy on Wednesday, March 5 @ 6pm. This is a great way to begin to lean into the penitential aspect of Lent.
Lenten Book Club
During Lent this year, we will be participating in a national-church-wide book club. We will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am for coffee (and food if you wish) and conversation about the book The Ungrateful Refugee by Dina Nayeri. Our first discussion will take place Sunday, March 16, and will continue through Palm Sunday (April 13). If you wish to read along and/or participate, please sign up on the bulletin board at church or reply to this email no later than Sunday, March 2, so we know how many books to order for everyone.
Multi-denominational Lenten Dinner Worship
Our weekly Lenten offerings to the community for this coming season will be in the form of Dinners and Worship on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm. We are collaborating with the Claremore First Christian Church, Grace United Methodist Church, and Verdigris United Methodist Church. The first Lenten Dinner Worship will take place on Thursday, March 13, at Grace UMC. The rest of the services will be held at different church campuses. Here is the schedule:
March 13 – Grace UMC
March 20 – St. Paul’s
March 27 – Verdigris UMC
April 3 – Claremore First Christian Church
April 10 – Verdigris UMC
April 17 (Agape Dinner & Maundy Thursday Worship) – Grace UMC
Volunteers Needed
It’s not too late to volunteer for these openings (see list below). If you would like to serve in any of these positions, please let someone on our Bishop’s Committee know (Shelby Mancell, Danny Haden, Kaitlyn Rodwell, Christina McMahan, Joyce Landrum, Barbara Bajon, or Rev. Nancy).
Safety Officer
-Maintains fire extinguishers
-Maintains exit signs
-Replaces light bulbs inside and outside the church building
-Reports to Junior Warden
Maintenance Officer
-Maintains building: paint, grout, stucco repair
-Fencing repair
-Schedules heat & air maintenance Spring and Fall
-Schedules bug exterminator Spring and Fall
-Maintains smoke detectors
-Changes clocks Spring and Fall
-Winds grandfather clock in Parish Hall weekly
-Reports to Junior Warden (Danny Haden)
Supplies Manager
-Maintains cleaning supplies for janitorial service: paper goods, toilet paper, hand towels, Pinesol, Scrubbing Bubbles, Lysol toilet cleaner
-Maintains kitchen supplies: paper towels, napkins, dishwasher, soap, coffee, filters, creamer, sugar, paper plates, cups, bowls
-Reports to Junior Warden (Danny Haden)
Offering Bearers
-2 people per service
-Collects offerings during services
-Counts collections for that day after services
-Reports to Treasurer (Barbara Bajon)
Altar Guild
-Maintains sacristy and supplies: Communion elements, instruments, and linens, and the cleaning and upkeep of these items
-Sets up for Communion each week before the Eucharistic service
-Cleans up the Communion elements after each Eucharistic service
-Reports to Altar Guild Director (Kaitlyn Rodwell)
-Starting about 20 minutes before services begin, stand near the church entrance to give bulletins to those who come in
-Direct visitors to fill out the registry, and explain how our services flow to people new to the Episcopal Church
Let Us Pray
- That our parishioners will exemplify God’s love and peace during this time when so much religious, social, and political unrest plagues our community, nation, and world
- For all individuals living in fear due to new executive orders and mandates being imposed
- For all students and school personnel
- For Ukraine and Russia
- For Israel and Palestine
- For Patty/ Karen/ Tammy Morales/ Cynthia Woods/ Chris/ Rose/ Brady/ Zachary/ Donna/ Justin/ Robert/ Lenny/ Gabriel/ John/ Cooper/ Josh/ Steven/ Connor/ Jace/ Rose Ridge/ Bertha Boyles/ Pastor James Coulter and Mt. Zion Baptist Church
If you have prayer requests to add to the Newsletter, email them to
Save the Dates
- Sunday, March 2 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; Last Sunday after the Epiphany; Last day to sign up for Lenten Book Club
- Tuesday, March 4 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper @ 6:00 pm
- Wednesday, March 5 – Ash Wednesday service @ 6:00 pm
- Sunday, March 9 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 1st Sunday in Lent
- Wednesday, March 12 – Grace UMC Mobile Food Pantry at St. Paul’s from 3-6 pm
- Thursday, March 13 – Lenten Dinner Worship @ 6:00 pm at Grace UMC
- Sunday, March 16 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 2nd Sunday in Lent; Lenten book club @ 9:00 am; Bishop’s Committee Meeting
- Thursday, March 20 – Lenten Dinner Worship @ 6:00 pm at St. Paul’s
- Sunday, March 23 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 3rd Sunday in Lent; Lenten book club @ 9:00 am
- Thursday, March 27 – Lenten Dinner Worship @ 6:00 pm @ Verdigris UMC
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