St. Paul’s Newsletter – 29 August 2024

Hello, friends of St. Paul’s! Blessings and peace to you all.

“Be doers of the word, and not merely hearers.” ~ James 1:22

Last week (8/25), we heard some of the results of abiding in Christ, including the fact that choosing to abide in Christ nurtures spiritual fruitfulness. This Sunday (9/01), join us at 9:30 am as we celebrate Holy Eucharist and learn about what it means to be a doer of the word – something directly related to being spiritually fruitful.

Christian Formation

Last Sunday (8/25), we began to discover some clues that might help us to identify our spiritual gifts by taking note of the characteristics we admire in others. This week (9/01) at 8:30 am, our journey to discover our spiritual gifts continues. During this course of study, we’ll find out what the gifts are, how you can discover which of these gifts you have, and how you can put them to practical use. You are invited to join us on this exciting journey.


We are excited to announce that Cindy Peters, Danny Haden, and Ron Parker will be confirmed on Sunday, September 22 @ 11:00 am. The bishop will be at Trinity Tulsa on that day, and Father Lee and Mother Cheryl have graciously agreed to have us all join them during their 11:00 service. Come celebrate with us on this joyous occasion (501 S. Cincinnati Ave., downtown Tulsa – parking lot & entrance on south side of church)! Ride sharing is encouraged. ***No classes or services will be provided at St. Paul’s on this day.***

New Service Times to Begin October 6

Beginning the first Sunday of October (10/06), our new times will be as follows:

Christian Formation (aka Sunday School) @ 9:00 am

Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am 

Let Us Pray

  • That our parishioners will exemplify God’s peace during this time when so much religious, social, and political unrest plagues our community, nation, and world
  • For all students and school personnel 
  • For the victims of the war in Ukraine
  • For Israel and Palestine
  • For Ani/ Chris/ Mike/ Brian/ Mark H/ Carol W/ Ron H/ Rose/ Brady/ Zachary/ Donna/ Vernon/ Miranda & Brayden/ Corey/ Janie/ Rick/ Lillian/ Aaron Blum/ Carol Sue/ Erin/ Mike/ Don/ Pauline/ Mimi/ Doris/ Stephen/ Jim/ Tjode/ Tony

If you have prayer requests to add to the Newsletter, email them to 

Save the Dates

  • Sunday, September 1 – Holy Eucharist @ 9:30 am; 15th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 17); Christian Formation @ 8:30 am
  • Sunday, September 8 – Holy Eucharist @ 9:30 am; 16th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 18); Christian Formation @ 8:30 am
  • Sunday, September 15 – Holy Eucharist @ 9:30 am; 17th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 19); Christian Formation @ 8:30 am; Bishop’s Committee Meeting
  • Sunday, September 22 – Confirmations of Cindy Peters, Danny Haden, and Ron Parker at Trinity Tulsa @11:00 am; ***No services at St. Paul’s***
  • Sunday, September 29 – Holy Eucharist @ 9:30 am with guest speaker, Rev. James Coulter from Mt. Zion Baptist Church; 19th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 21); Christian Formation @ 8:30 am
  • Sunday, October 6 – Service time change: Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 20th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 22); Christian Formation @ 9:00 am

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