Greetings, Loved Ones!
The Sunday of the Passion
For over five weeks now, we have been observing the season of Lent. This coming Sunday (3/24), Palm Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week. We will hear once again, the glorious and heart-wrenching saga of Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem and journey to Golgotha – a timely reminder of the tremendous love of our Savior.
Join us at 9:30 am for Holy Eucharist as we, like those ancient people of Jerusalem, walk the path of the palms.
Lenten Meditational Thought
“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf of springtime.” ~ Martin Luther
I do hope that you have found this to be a season in which you were drawn into a deep knowledge of, and love for, God.
Way of Love in Lent
If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our Facebook page for the remaining Lenten meditational thoughts and weekly video.
Christian Formation
Last Sunday, the fifth Sunday of Lent (3/17), we discussed chapter 6 – The Rung of Truth – in the book Ladder to the Light by Steven Charleston. A Native American, former Episcopal Bishop of Alaska, and current resident of Oklahoma, Charleston shares insight he has gleaned about his Christian journey as related to his indigenous customs. The journey he guides us through in his book correlates beautifully with the journey upon which we embark during the Lenten season.
This Sunday, Palm Sunday (3/24), we will discuss chapter 7 – The Rung of Renewal. All are welcome to join us Sunday at 8:30 a.m. as we discuss this indigenous elder’s meditations on hope and courage.
Holy Week Schedule
Mark your calendars for the following events during Holy Week!
March 28 @ 7pm - Maundy Thursday Service at St. Paul's
March 29 @ 6pm - Good Friday Tenebrae Service at Grace Methodist Church
March 30 @ 7pm - The Great Easter Vigil at St. Paul's (with guests Canon Betsy, Grace Methodist, and First Christian)
March 31 @ 9:30am - Easter Day Holy Eucharist at St. Paul's, followed by Easter dinner in the Parish Hall (Ham will be provided; feel free to bring a side item.)
Hospitality Continues
Until they are able to repair the damage that flooding has done to their own building, our friends from First Christian Church will continue to utilize the nave for their worship services on Sunday mornings @ 11:00 a.m.
Let Us Pray
For a holy Lent
For the repose of Velma Landley
For the repose of Dellaura Riggle
For those traveling to St. Crispin's for Vestry Academy this weekend
For Rick's nephew, Corey
For Christina's uncle, Johnny
For Tom Keenze
For the victims of the war in Ukraine
For Israel and Palestine, and for the victims of the war in Gaza
For the needs of the members, family, and friends of our congregation, specifically The First Christian Church of Claremore/ Janie/ Lillian/ Rick/ Vernon/ Miranda & Brayden/ Jim/ Judy/ Ani/ Aaron Blum/ Virginia/ Stephen/ John/ Tom/ Carol W/ Brian/ Mark H/ Mike/ Chris/ Brady/ Patrick/ Zachary
If you have prayer requests to add to the Newsletter, email them to
Save the Dates
Sunday, March 24 - Palm Sunday (kickoff to Holy Week)
Thursday, March 28 @ 7 p.m. - Maundy Thursday service
Friday, March 29 @ 6 p.m. - Good Friday Tenebrae service at Grace Methodist Church
Saturday, March 30 @ 7 p.m. - The Great Easter Vigil service
Sunday, March 31 - Easter Day!
Monday, April 1 - Sunday, April 7 - Clergy Vacation
Sunday, April 7 - Morning Prayer led by Ron Parker and Shelby Mancell
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