St. Paul’s Newsletter – 9 May 2024

Happy (almost) Mother’s Day! 🌷

Sanctified in Truth

Last week (5/05) in our gospel lesson, Jesus urged his disciples, “abide in my love.” We discovered some of the ways that accepting this invitation may affect what we say and do in our own lives.  That lesson also revealed another of the seven “I Am” statements made by Jesus in the Gospel of John: “I Am the true vine.” Just as the branches cannot produce fruit unless they abide in the vine, neither can we love as we are called to love unless we abide in God, who IS love. To abide in God, we must spend quality time meditating on the life, words, and actions of Jesus who is God Incarnate.

This Sunday, May 12, Jesus prays for his disciples – that includes us! – to be “sanctified in truth.” We’ll find out what else he prayed, and how that applies to us today. Join us at 9:30 for Holy Eucharist II, followed by Coffee Hour.

Christian Formation

Our book study during the season of Eastertide is A Journey with John, part of the 50 Day Challenge collection from Forward Movement. This Sunday (5/12), in our final session with this text, we will discuss some of the highlights from Days 36-42. All are welcome to join us this Sunday at 8:30 a.m. as we discuss the Gospel of John and its relevance to us today.

***Note: We will NOT have Sunday School on Sundays, May 19 or 26.​***

This summer, our focus in Christian formation will be on Spiritual Gifts. We’ll find out what they are, how you can discover which of these gifts you have, and how you can put them to practical use. Stay tuned for more information about this exciting curriculum. 

Special Location & Time Change for Pentecost Service & Picnic

Next Sunday, May 19, is Pentecost. In recognition of this special day in the season of the Church, several changes to our regular schedule will be in place – weather permitting. Specifically, we will worship and celebrate the eucharist at Claremore Lake at 10:00 a.m. After the service ends, stick around for the annual church picnic – good food and good fun! It’s a great opportunity to invite someone new to gather with us!

Visits with the Vicar

One visit has been made – and what a wonderful conversation we had! I am excited about the prospect of more! As your new vicar, I invite you to meet with me for coffee (or your beverage of choice) and conversation at a local restaurant or at your home – wherever you feel most comfortable. Please reply to this email to set up a time when we can chat. My goal is to visit with everyone by the end of the summer season!

Let Us Pray

  • With gratitude for the gift of Christ and the redemption provided by his death and resurrection!
  • For Lloyd Bajon
  • For the victims of the war in Ukraine
  • For Israel and Palestine, and for the victims of the war in Gaza, and the hostages held by Hamas
  • For Ani/ Chris/ Mike/ Brian/ Mark H/ Carol W/ Ron H/ Rose/ Brady/ Patrick/ Zachary/ Donna/ Vernon/ Miranda & Brayden/ Corey/ Janie/ Rick/ Lillian/ Aaron Blum/ Carol Sue/ Erin/ for the repose of Johnny and of Dougie

If you have prayer requests to add to the Newsletter, email them to or reply to this email.

Save the Dates

  • Saturday, May 11 @ 6:30 p.m. – Free Disaster Preparedness Seminar at St. Cecilia Catholic Church
  • Sunday, May 12 – Mother’s Day
  • Sunday, May 19 – Bishop’s Committee Meeting cancelled for this month due to Pentecost Picnic and Memorial weekend. June meeting date TBD
  • Sunday, May 19 – Pentecost Sunday: worship at Claremore Lake at 10:00 a.m., followed by a picnic. (***No Sunday School on Pentecost***)
  • Sunday, May 26 – Trinity Sunday: Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m. in the nave. (No Sunday School)

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