Greetings and salutations, Dear Ones!
Thus says the Lord, “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth; do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” ~ Isaiah 43:19
Even Greater Things
This week (1/14), our Gospel lesson tells the story of Nathanael’s first encounter with Jesus whereupon Jesus tells him, “You will see greater things than these.” These words still ring true for us today! Join us this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. to learn more about some of the great things God is doing at St. Paul’s.
Good Book Club & Christian Formation
Sunday morning formation class is back in full swing. Last week (1/07), we began discussions on the Old Testament book of Genesis which will continue throughout the season of Epiphany.
This coming Sunday (1/14), we will discuss chapters two through ten, which takes us from the advent of humanity through the flood. Food for thought: These chapters in the first book of the Old Testament reveal a pattern which repeats throughout all of scripture – God chooses to work through humans to save humanity – a pattern which “reaches its most profound expression in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. [And,] God is [still] actively calling ordinary people…into the work of helping to repair creation and human community.” What are some ways in which you might pay closer attention to God’s call in your life? (from A Journey through Genesis, 36-38)
All are welcome to join us each Sunday at 8:30 a.m. as we discuss how this ancient work of literature is still relevant today. Plus, don’t miss our daily Facebook posts which correlate with this exciting book study.
Coming Soon to a Coffee Hour Near You: God Chat!
You’ve been reading about it, and now, beginning in February, your Faithful Innovation team will begin to lead you in discussions about where and how we can see God working in our personal lives, in our congregation, and in our community. For example, recall the story of when you knew this church was yours. Or, when have you felt God really alive in your church (perhaps in the last month)? Think of ways that you might share your answers to these questions with your fellow parishioners, family, or friends.
And it’s as simple as that! Simple, yes; but the ripple effects of these conversations can be quite impactful! You definitely don’t want to miss the opportunity to be part of the dialogue!
Fr. Bill’s Retirement Celebration
The ceremony for Fr. Bill and Carole was beautiful, thanks to the efforts of many! We believe they departed with full knowledge of how much they are loved and appreciated. If you were unable to attend, or missed the opportunity to say goodbye, cards and well-wishes may still be sent c/o St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1310 N. Sioux Ave., Claremore, OK 74017, or emailed to
Stewardship Campaign
Our stewardship campaign continues. If you would like to contribute to our 2024 budget, you may place your stewardship forms in the offering plate on Sundays, give them directly to Barbara, or mail them
Barbara Bajon, Treasurer
c/o St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
1310 N. Sioux Ave.
Claremore, OK 74017
To request that a stewardship form be emailed to you please reply to this message and type “Stewardship Form” in the message window.
Let Us Pray
- Pray for our Bishop’s Committee and congregation as we transition to new leadership, explore our dreams, and discern and chat about what God is doing and where God is leading us in 2024
- Pray for Tom Keenze as he prepares for knee replacement surgery
- Pray for the victims of the war in Ukraine
- Pray for Israel and Palestine, and for the victims of the war in Gaza
- For the needs of the members, family, and friends of our congregation, specifically Vernon/ Dellaura/ Bill & Carole/ Miranda & Brayden/ Nancy S/ Velma/ Jim/ Judy/ Ani/ Aaron Blum/ Robert/ Lloyd/ Patricia/ Marie/ Russell/ Virginia/ Barbara/ Grace/ Lauren/ Cindy/ Stephen/ John/ Tom Patterson/ Jan/ Tom/ Bob & family/ Jean/ Al/ Carol W/ Mark/ Brian/ Pat/ Mark H/ Mike/ Chris/ Brady/ Patrick/ Zachary
If you have prayer requests to add to the Newsletter, email them to or reply to this email.
Save the Dates
- Friday & Saturday, January 12 & 13 – Bi-vocational Priest Retreat at St. Crispin’s
- Sunday, January 14 – 2nd Sunday after Epiphany
- Wednesday, January 17 @ 11 a.m. – Northeast Clericus meeting @ St. Paul’s Claremore
- Saturday, January 20, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Bishop’s Committee Retreat in the Parish Hall
- Sunday, January 21 – Bishop’s Committee meeting
- Saturday, January 27 @ 10am – Faithful Innovation regional meeting (location TBA)
- Thursday, February 1 @ 6:30pm – The Rev. Nancy’s Celebration of New Ministry
St. Paul’s Online
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