Advent and Christmas greetings to all!
The Season of Love
Last Sunday (12/17), was the third Sunday of Advent, and we lit the candle of Joy. Sometimes also called the “Shepherd’s Candle,” we are reminded of the joyful anticipation of the shepherds who journeyed to see Jesus in Bethlehem. Because of the joyous occasion, the third Sunday of Advent is also known as “Gaudete Sunday,” meaning rejoice or praise; and the candle is pink, the liturgical color for joy.
This Sunday (12/24), marks the fourth week of Advent, when we light the candle of Love. Sometimes also called the “Angel’s Candle,” this fourth candle reminds us of the ultimate love of God that the only son was sent for us. In addition, we light the Christ candle as a reminder that all of God’s promises are fulfilled in the birth of the Christ child. (
Advent IV / Christmas Eve Service
Join us this Sunday, December 24 at 5:30pm for a special candlelight service of Lessons & Carols which will mark the transition from Advent to Christmas. “And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son full of grace and truth.” ~ John 1:14
***Note: There will be no morning service or class this week.
Festive Decor & Safenet Christmas Tree
Verna, Rick, and our “decorating crew” have turned our nave into a beautiful space for worship.
In addition, the Christmas tree has been raised, under which you may make contributions of hats, gloves, and scarves for women and children. These items will then be delivered to Safenet, a local organization established to help individuals escape domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
For more information about Safenet, visit Safenet Services – Helping Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Victims
Way of Love in Advent – Week 4
This final week of Advent, you are invited to focus on the birth of Jesus: journeying in the world (Luke 2:1-20). You are encouraged to read and reflect on this passage of scripture each day throughout the week.
In this part of the story, the angels appear again, this time, not to a single person in private, but before the shepherds, proclaiming the good news of Jesus’ birth. The shepherds went in haste to see the infant Jesus and then told others what they had seen and heard. The Way of Love cannot be contained. The way of love bursts out into the world, crossing boundaries and offering blessings to many. It demands to be told.
• Recall the following from the reading:
-The angels praise God and proclaim the birth of Jesus
-The shepherds run in haste to see the savior
-The shepherds tell what they have seen and heard
-Mary ponders all these things in her heart
Which moment most reflects where you are today? Why?
• What do you see as the gifts Jesus’ birth brings into the world?
• Where, with whom, and how are you called to share about the good news of Jesus’ life and love?
• What amazes you about God? About God’s love?
Prayers for the Week: Shepherd of Israel, may Jesus, who is Emmanuel and son of Mary, be more than just a dream in our hearts. With the apostles, prophets, and saints, save us, restore us, and lead us in the way of grace and peace, that we may bear your promise into the world. Amen.
God who makes the impossible possible, quicken our hearts to follow the shepherds who went with haste to see Jesus and told the world what they had heard and seen. Enliven our imagination to the many ways to walk the Way of Love with Jesus. Strengthen our resolve to remain on the journey with Jesus as individuals, with family and friends, and in community to proclaim your word in the world; through Jesus Christ, your Son, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, one God, whose way is love. Amen.
The Way of Love is a program which emphasizes setting aside time each day to focus on living a Jesus-centered life. The seven practices of the Way of Love are
- Turn – pause, listen, and choose to follow Jesus
- Learn – reflect on scripture each day
- Pray – dwell intentionally with God each day
- Worship – gather in community weekly to thank, praise, and dwell with God
- Bless – share faith, and unselfishly give and serve
- Go – cross boundaries, listen deeply, and live like Jesus
- Rest – receive the gift of God’s grace, peace, and restoration
These last few weeks, multiple opportunities to participate in the Way of Love series have been offered. Ron Parker posted daily thoughts on Facebook and Instagram; both he and Shelby Mancell collaborated to post a devotional video on Wednesday of each week; and, together, we have journeyed through the first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke in these weekly newsletters. We hope that you have enjoyed these opportunities and that they have helped you to develop a deeper relationship with God!
Twelve Days of Christmas
If you have been enjoying our Facebook and Instagram posts during Advent, stay tuned for our Twelve Days of Christmas series which begins December 26! Check out each daily post, then feel free to comment – either on the post itself, or on someone else’s comment. What a fun and interactive way to celebrate the season!
Stewardship Campaign
Stewardship forms for 2024 have been mailed; but – OOPS! – we forgot to include a return envelope! Our apologies for the oversight! You are certainly under no obligation; but if you would like to contribute to our 2024 budget, you may place your forms in the offering plate on Sundays, give them directly to Barbara, or mail them
Barbara Bajon, Treasurer
c/o St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
1310 N. Sioux Ave.
Claremore, OK 74017
If you have not received your form in the mail and would like to participate, you may request that a form be emailed to you by replying to this message.
Faithful Innovation & God Chat
How do we discover God’s mission in the world beyond our congregations? What is God calling us into? Where might we meet Lydia along the way? Faithful Innovation is a program designed to help congregations (especially small ones) discover new ways in which they might begin to move out into their communities.
As part of this initiative, St. Paul’s has a lay-led team which will be providing opportunities for the entire congregation to participate in a little “God chat.” What’s God chat, you say? It’s simply talking about where and how we can see God working in our congregation and in our community. Like the shepherds in the Christmas story who, upon seeing Jesus in the manger, told what they had heard about the Christ child, we too can begin simple conversations that have huge ripple effects. Be on the lookout for ways that you can engage in this exciting and ongoing conversation!
Fr. Bill’s Retirement Celebration
You are invited to join us in two weeks on the first Sunday of the new year! That morning – Sunday, January 7, 2024 at 9:30am – we will celebrate with Fr. Bill and Carole as they move on to the next phase of their life in ministry. The Rev. Canon Betsy Randall will be with us; and, in true St. Paul’s fashion, there will be wonderful food for this festive occasion!
Let Us Pray
- We offer prayers of thanksgiving and praise for the Christ child!
- Lift up all those traveling throughout the holiday season
- Pray for the victims of the war in Ukraine
- Remember the victims of the war in Gaza
- Pray for our congregation as we explore our dreams and discern and chat about what God is doing and where God is leading us next.
- For the needs of the members, family, and friends of our congregation, specifically Miranda & Brayden/ Nancy S/ Velma/ Jim/ Judy/ Ani/ Aaron Blum/ Robert/ Jim Walker/ Lloyd/ Patricia/ Marie/ Russell/ Virginia/ Barbara/ Grace/ Lauren/ Cindy/ Anne & her family/ Sarah/ Matthew & Rushda/ Christoph & Jenn/ Teddy & family/ Linda, Ken, & their family/ Amy, Bill, & their family/ Stephen/ John/ Tom Patterson/ Jan/ Tom/ Bob & family/ Jean/ Al/ Carol W/ Mark/ Caroline & Rudy/ Bicky & Spencer/ Brian/ Pat/ Mark H/ Mike/ Chris
If you have prayer requests you’d like to add to the Newsletter, email them to or reply to this email.
Save the Dates
- Sunday, December 24 @ 5:30pm – Advent IV/Christmas Eve Service (no AM service); women’s and children’s hats, gloves, & scarves collected for Safenet
- Sunday, December 31 – 1st Sunday after Christmas (normal service time resumes); no Christian Formation class this day
- Saturday, January 6, 2024 – Epiphany
- Sunday, January 7, 2024 – 1st Sunday after Epiphany; Christian Formation resumes at 8:30 a.m.; Fr. Bill’s retirement celebration at 9:30 a.m.
- Saturday, January 27, 2024 @ 10am – Faithful Innovation (location TBA)
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