Sunday, December 3, 2023
First Sunday of Advent – Year B – Track 2
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Claremore
Is. 64:1-9 & Ps. 80:1-7, 16-18 / 1 Cor. 1:3-9 / Mk. 13:24-37
The Rev. Nancy Gill
Advent I: Hope (II Peace, III Joy, IV Love)
The author of our OT lesson sounds like he could be
writing for a 21st-century audience. “O that you would
tear open the heavens and come down,” (v1) he writes.
With everything that is happening in our world today, we
can certainly relate to that sense of desperation. War in
Ukraine, war in Gaza, rises in the number of hate crimes,
the growing political divide, the growing social divide,
school children being shot down, going hungry, lacking
clothing and shelter. It all makes us want to shake our
fists and cry, “how much longer?” And yet, built into that
expression of grief and frustration is also a statement of
faith, an expression of hope. We know deep down that, as
the old adage states, “this too shall pass,” and we trust
that God will get us through.
The writers of scripture are quick to remind us of this
hope that we have. The author of our epistle lesson today
declares confidently, “God is faithful.” (v9) The psalmist
records the exhortation, “be still and know that I am
God.” (46:10) The composer of Isaiah chapter 40 assures
us that “those who wait on the Lord shall renew their
strength.” (v31) And the prophet Jeremiah prompts us to
remember God’s promise, “I know the plans I have for
you…to give you a hope.” (29:11) Even our gospel lesson
today, illudes to this concept when Jesus instructs his
listeners to “keep awake!” (v37)
Today, this first Sunday of Advent, we light the Hope
candle. Sometimes called the Prophecy candle, this first
candle reminds us of the foretelling of the birth of Christ
by the OT prophets, especially Isaiah, and of all the
promises God gave us which would be fulfilled by the
birth of Jesus. (hallow)
In preparation for today’s sermon, I read several
articles about hope – one out of the University of
California, Berkley, one from Harvard University, a
couple out of Psychology Today – and each one discussed
the importance of having hope. Dr. Adam P. Stern,
professor at Harvard Medical School, writes that scientific
studies are now beginning to recognize the value of hope:
“Among young adults with chronic illnesses, greater
degrees of hope are associated with improved coping,
well-being, and engagement in healthy behaviors. It also
protects against depression and suicide. Among teens,
hope is linked with health, quality of life, self-esteem, and
a sense of purpose. It is an essential factor for developing
both maturity and resilience…. When grounded in
realism,” he states, “hope serves many positive
functions.” (Harvard Health)
Dr. Everett L. Worthington Jr., professor emeritus at
Virginia Commonwealth University, defines hope as “a
motivation to persevere toward a goal or end state, even if
we’re skeptical that a positive outcome is likely.” He goes
on to say that “hope involves activity, a can-do attitude
and a belief that we have a pathway to our desired
outcome. Hope is the willpower to change and the way-
power to bring about that change.” (
Worthington suggests that there are practical ways to
develop and build hope, among which are engaging with a
spiritual or religious community, practicing forgiveness,
and studying the lives of people whom he refers to as
“heroes of hope,” such as Nelson Mendella (and I might
also add Ghandi, the Dahli Lamma, Desmond Tutu,
Michael Curry, Jesus).
Writing for Psychology Today, Dr. Constance
Scharff agrees that hope is something that can be
developed. Some things she recommends include
cultivating hope by focusing on what you can change,
practicing Mindfulness (focusing on the here and now,
rather than on the bad things that could happen),
developing a spiritual life, being of service to others, and
practicing gratitude. (7 Ways)
With all of this talk about hope, is it possible to have
too much – for hope to become toxic?
Author Polly Campbell cautions that it is important to remember that
“Hope [is not] delusional. It isn’t denial. It doesn’t ignore
the real challenges, details of the diagnosis, or dwindling
money in the checking account. It is not woo-woo
thinking. It doesn’t ignore the trouble, or make excuses,
or deny danger. It is not pretending. It is acknowledging
the truth of the situation and working to find the best way
to cope. It’s showing up and working through the hard
stuff, believing that something better is possible.
It’s resilient.” (Why Hope)
For us as Christians, our hope – our faith in God’s
promises of faithfulness – is what grounds us. It is also
what motivates us. The world in which we live is in
chaos, but we are a people who believe in the God who
creates beauty out of chaos, and does so over and over
again. And, we are a people who do our best to share that
hope with those around us who are in such need of it. In
the words of famed poet Emily Dickinson:
“Hope” is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all
And sweetest in the Gale is heard
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm
I’ve heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest Sea
Yet never in Extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.
There is hope! We have it within us; may we not
hesitate to share it!
There is hope! We have it within us; may we not
hesitate to share it!