Greetings, One and All!
Last Sunday (1/26), the third Sunday after the Epiphany, our gospel lesson was the story of Jesus reading from the scroll of Isaiah in the temple. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,” he read, “because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” We discussed how this is now our mission; as followers of Christ, it is our privilege and responsibility to continue proclaiming the good news to everyone.
This coming Sunday (2/02) we rewind the story and return to the time when, according to Jewish custom, the baby Jesus was presented at the temple. His appearance in Jerusalem sparked much rejoicing, praise, and promise. Bring a friend and join us at 10:00 am for Holy Eucharist as we discuss how the promise of Jesus continues through us.
Annual Meeting THIS Sunday
After Holy Eucharist this Sunday, February 2, we will share a pot luck luncheon before commencing business. This year, we will introduce our new Senior Warden, and we will vote on three openings on the Bishop’s Committee (see below). In addition, there are several new volunteer positions available – lots of exciting opportunities for our laity to get involved!
The following positions require nominations and votes for approval. Nominations/volunteers will be accepted now through Sunday, February 2, at the Annual Meeting. Voting will take place at the meeting. To nominate someone, or to volunteer for any of these positions, please notify anyone on the Bishop’s Committee (Rick Wilcox, Barbara Bajon, Kaitlyn Rodwell, Shelby Mancell, or Rev. Nancy) before February 2, or voice the nomination at the Annual Meeting. (Note: Nominees reserve the right to decline, so it is recommended that you speak to the individual before nominating them.)
Junior Warden
-Oversees Safety Officer, Maintenance Officer, Supplies Manager, and Lawn Care Supervisor
-Serves as a control officer on bank accounts
-Attends monthly Bishop’s Committee Meetings
-Reports to Senior Warden and Vicar
Members at Large (2 needed)
-Attends monthly Bishop’s Committee Meetings
-Serves in the capacity as leadership for the St. Paul’s community
-Reports to Senior Warden and Vicar
The following positions do not require nominations or votes, but do need to be filled:
Safety Officer
-Maintains fire extinguishers
-Maintains exit signs
-Replaces light bulbs inside and outside the church building
-Reports to Junior Warden
Maintenance Officer
-Maintains building: paint, grout, stucco repair
-Fencing repair
-Schedules heat & air maintenance Spring and Fall
-Schedules bug exterminator Spring and Fall
-Maintains smoke detectors
-Changes clocks Spring and Fall
-Winds grandfather clock in Parish Hall weekly
-Reports to Junior Warden
Lawn Care Supervisor
-Services mower: change oil & filters, air tires, charge battery, fill gas tank & can
-Mows and weed eats lawn
-Picks up tree limbs and trash
-Trims trees and hedges
-Weeds and mulches flower beds
-Maintains sprinkler systems
-Removes snow & ice, applies ice melt
-Reports to Junior Warden
Supplies Manager
-Maintains cleaning supplies for janitorial service: paper goods, toilet paper, hand towels, Pinesol, Scrubbing Bubbles, Lysol toilet cleaner
-Maintains kitchen supplies: paper towels, napkins, dishwasher, soap, coffee, filters, creamer, sugar, paper plates, cups, bowls
-Reports to Junior Warden
Offering Bearers
-2 people per service
-Collects offerings during services
-Counts collections for that day after services
-Reports to Treasurer
Altar Guild
-Maintains sacristy and supplies: Communion elements, instruments, and linens, and the cleaning and upkeep of these items
-Sets up for Communion each week before the Eucharistic service
-Cleans up the Communion elements after each Eucharistic service
-Reports to Altar Guild Director
Let Us Pray
- That our parishioners will exemplify God’s love and peace during this time when so much religious, social, and political unrest plagues our community, nation, and world
- For all individuals living in fear due to new executive orders and mandates being imposed
- For all students and school personnel
- For Ukraine and Russia
- For Israel and Palestine
- For Dana/ Chris/ Rose/ Brady/ Zachary/ Donna/ Justin/ Robert/ Lenny/ Gabriel/ John/ Cooper/ Josh/ Steven/ Connor/ Jace/ Rose Ridge/ Bertha Boyles/ Pastor Coulter and the Mt. Zion congregation/ and for the repose of Charles Ziriax and Alberta Hardy
If you have prayer requests to add to the Newsletter, email them to
Save the Dates
- Sunday, February 2 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; Presentation of Jesus in the Temple; Annual Meeting and pot luck luncheon
- Sunday, February 9 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 5th Sunday after the Epiphany
- Sunday, February 16 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 6th Sunday after the Epiphany; Bishop’s Committee Meeting
- Sunday, February 23 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 7th Sunday after the Epiphany
- Sunday, March 2 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; Last Sunday after the Epiphany
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