Hello, One and All!
Trunk or Treat this Saturday
THIS Saturday, October 26, the folks at First Christian Church (1010 N Florence Ave) are hosting their annual Trunk or Treat from 2-4 pm, and we have been invited to participate. Our contribution will be one trunk containing candy and books for children and young adults. If you would like to don a costume (optional) and help us at the event, you can bring a bag of candy or a book or two to add to our collection (be sure to come a little early so we’re all set up and ready to greet the kiddos at 2). This promises to be a super fun way to collaborate with our dear friends from FCC to serve our community!
Mobile Food Pantry a Rousing Success
Our first collaborative effort with Grace United Methodist Church to provide a site for their mobile food pantry took place on the evening of Wednesday, October 23, and was hugely successful! Folks from both congregations served as volunteers to help members of our nearby neighborhoods “shop” for much needed grocery items. It was estimated that we served approximately 80 people during the three hours of operation.
Stay tuned for future opportunities to continue in this exciting and fun collaboration.
All Saints Day List & Memory Table
During our All Hallowtide celebrations this year, we will have a form next to the weekly bulletins where you can add the names of family and friends to be recognized during our All-Saints day service on November 3rd. In addition to this annual tradition, we will be doing something new this year. We will be setting up a memory table in the Fellowship Hall to remember and honor our family and friends who, although departed from this life, live on in our hearts and minds. If you would like to participate, please bring a photo and place it on the table. The table will be set up this weekend and will remain until November 10th. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ron Parker.
New Service Times
As of Sunday, October 6, our new service times are in full swing. We hope you’ll join us soon!
- Christian Formation (aka Sunday School) @ 9:00 am
- Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am
Regional Advent Lessons and Carols
Advent is just around the corner, and your Northeast Clericus is busily planning a regional service to commemorate the occasion. The service will take place at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Grove (555 E 3rd St., Grove, OK) on December 8 (rescheduled from the original date of Dec. 1) at 4:00 pm, with tea and cookies to be served at 3:30 pm. If you wish to serve as a lector or participate in a communal choir for the event, let Rev. Nancy know. If you prefer to simply participate as a member of the congregation, come along! Everyone from across the entire Northeast region is invited to attend!
Let Us Pray
- That the sparks that the Holy Spirit has started over the past few weeks will spread like wildfire within our congregation and throughout all of the Claremore community
- For the victims of Hurricanes Helene and Milton
- That our parishioners will exemplify God’s peace during this time when so much religious, social, and political unrest plagues our community, nation, and world
- For all students and school personnel
- For Ukraine and Russia
- For Israel and Palestine
- For Ani/ Chris/ Mike/ Brian/ Mark H/ Carol W/ Ron H/ Rose/ Brady/ Zachary/ Donna/ Vernon/ Miranda & Brayden/ Corey/ Janie/ Rick/ Lillian/ Carol Sue/ Erin/ Mike/ Don/ Pauline/ Mimi/ Doris/ Stephen/ Jim/ Tjode/ Traci/ Pam Carbin/ Rusti/ Joyce L/ Justin/ the repose of Wes Belew/ Tony Wilcox, Aaron Blum, and Dustin Barr
If you have prayer requests to add to the Newsletter, email them to Clergy@stpaulsclaremore.org
Save the Dates
- Saturday, October 26 – Trunk or Treat at First Christian Church (1010 N Florence Ave)
- Sunday, October 27 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 23rd Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 25); Christian Formation @ 9:00 am
- Sunday, November 3 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; All Saints Sunday; Christian Formation @ 9:00 am
- Sunday, November 10 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 25th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 27); Christian Formation @ 9:00 am
- Sunday, November 17 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 26th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 28); Christian Formation @ 9:00 am; Bishop’s Committee Meeting
- Sunday, November 24 – Morning Prayer @ 10:00 am; Last Sunday after Pentecost (Christ the King); no Christian Formation class this day
- Sunday, December 1 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 1st Sunday of Advent; Christian Formation @ 9:00 am
- Sunday, December 8 – Holy Eucharist @ 10:00 am; 2nd Sunday of Advent; Christian Formation @ 9:00 am; Regional Advent Lessons & Carols Service at St. Andrew’s Grove (555 E 3rd St., Grove, OK) @ 4:00 pm
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