Sermon 11/5/23

We were honored to have a visit from The Rev. Canon Betsy Randall this Sunday. Here is her sermon.

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Sermon 10/15/23

Reverend Nancy Gill’s Sermon 10/15/23 Sunday, October 15, 2023 Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 23 – Year A – Track 2 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Claremore Is. 25:1-9 & Ps. 23 / Phil. 4:1-9 / Mt. 22:1-14 The Rev. Nancy Gill “The Kingdom of Heaven may be compared to a king.” (Mt. 22:2) This… Continue reading Sermon 10/15/23

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Sermon 10/8/23

“Tradition Isn’t All That It’s Cracked up To Be” By Bill Martin – 8 October 2023 PARABLES OF THE BIBLE What kind of God do you have? In the last week of his life on earth, Jesus came face-to-face with the fact that his disciples then (yikes, now?) didn’t have a complete understanding of who… Continue reading Sermon 10/8/23

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